03/10/2025, 07:24 AM UTC
呼吁支持2025年哈姆-利普施塔特应用科技大学国际暑期学校Call for Support for the 2025 International Summer School at Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences
➀ 哈姆-利普施塔特应用科技大学(HSHL)将于2025年7月6日至19日举办其受欢迎的暑期学校“德国工程业务”的第四版。
➁ 该项目为国际学生提供了一个独特的机会,深入了解工程领域,学习德国的创新,并发展跨文化能力。
➂ 暑期学校的目标是吸引潜在的专业人士为该地区德国劳动力市场,将有来自世界各地的25名学生了解HSHL、哈姆和利普施塔特市以及该地区。
➀ The Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences (HSHL) is hosting the fourth edition of its popular Summer School 'The Business of German Engineering' from July 6 to 19, 2025.
➁ The program offers international students a unique opportunity to delve into the world of engineering, learn from German innovations, and develop intercultural competencies.
➂ The Summer School aims to attract potential professionals to the German job market for the region, with up to 25 students from around the world learning about HSHL, the cities of Hamm and Lippstadt, and the region.