09/30/2024, 01:44 PM UTC
两大巨头之战:Ares Capital 与 FS KKR 的对决,更新The Battle Of Two Goliaths: Ares Capital Vs. FS KKR, Update
1、作者回顾了ARCC和FSK的基本面,以确定哪个在第四季度更有可能超越另一个;2、文章讨论了2024年初对两家最大的BDCs进行的初始比较,由于FSK的净资产价值折价较大,因此更倾向于FSK;3、作者反思了2024年至今两家公司的回报情况,指出它们的业绩几乎相同。1. The author reviews the fundamentals of ARCC and FSK to determine which is better positioned to outperform the other in Q4; 2. The article discusses the initial comparison made at the beginning of 2024 between the two largest BDCs, with a preference for FSK due to its significant discount to NAV; 3. The author reflects on the returns of both companies so far in 2024, noting their almost identical performance.
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