08/27/2024, 04:29 PM UTC
2024年Box64与RISC-V:《巫师3》成功运行于RISC-V平台Box64 and RISC-V in 2024: The Witcher 3 Successfully Runs on RISC-V
➀ 《巫师3》成为首个在RISC-V机器上运行的AAA游戏,借助Box64、Wine和DXVK。 ➁ 面临的挑战包括OpenGL支持有限和RISC-V中x86指令的不足。 ➂ 随着Milk-V Pioneer和SpacemiT K1/M1 SoC等设备的支持,RISC-V向量扩展(RVV)的引入推动了进展。 ➃ 与其他架构相比,RISC-V在高效x86仿真方面仍缺乏某些关键指令。 ➄ 尽管存在限制,《巫师3》在RISC-V硬件上游戏内可达15帧每秒,主菜单全速运行。➀ The Witcher 3 becomes the first AAA game to run on an RISC-V machine using Box64, Wine, and DXVK. ➁ Challenges included limited OpenGL support and the need for more x86 instructions in RISC-V. ➂ Progress was made with the introduction of devices like the Milk-V Pioneer and the SpacemiT K1/M1 SoC, which support RISC-V Vector Extension (RVV). ➃ RISC-V still lacks certain critical instructions for efficient x86 emulation compared to other architectures. ➄ Despite limitations, The Witcher 3 runs at up to 15 fps in-game and full speed on the main menu on RISC-V hardware.