08/18/2024, 05:28 PM UTC
玻璃中的时间箭头似乎双向运行,引发巨大疑问Time's Arrow Within Glass Appears To Go In Both Directions, Raising Huge Questions
➀ 研究人员发现玻璃及其他类似材料中的分子运动似乎是时间 可逆的,这挑战了热力学第二定律。➁ 该研究利用激光和先进相机观察并分析了玻璃中的分子重排。➂ 这些发现提出了关于时间可逆性在其他材料中的普遍性及其对基础物理学影响的问题。➀ Researchers discovered that molecular movements within glass and similar materials appear time-reversible, challenging the second law of thermodynamics. ➁ The study used lasers and advanced cameras to observe and analyze molecular rearrangements in glass. ➂ The findings raise questions about the universality of time reversibility in other materials and its implications for fundamental physics.