09/02/2024, 12:34 PM UTC
树莓派电脑正式进入TME目录Raspberry Pi Computers Now Officially Available in the TME Catalogue
➀ 树莓派产品现已正式进入TME目录,提高了产品的可及性。➁ 目录中包含了树莓派的广泛产品,从单板计算机到配件和专业解决方案。➂ 这一加入扩大了树莓派的影响范围,使全球的教育工作者、爱好者和专业人士受益。➀ Raspberry Pi products are now officially available in the TME catalogue, enhancing accessibility. ➁ The catalogue includes a wide range of Raspberry Pi products, from single-board computers to accessories and specialized solutions. ➂ This inclusion broadens the reach of Raspberry Pi, benefiting educators, hobbyists, and professionals globally.
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