08/25/2024, 09:06 PM UTC
升级家庭智能系统:跨品牌联动Upgrading Home Smart System with Cross-Brand Integration
➀ 启用了更多兼容HomeKit的绿米设备,并更新了一些老旧的智能开关。➁ 使用Home Assistant连接了绿米、小米、涂鸦、Unifi和群晖等不同品牌的设备,实现跨品牌联动。➂ 引入了更多带屏幕的设备,提高了易用性,不再需要在开关上贴标签。➃ 安装了空调和新风控制器,但由于时间限制,设置工作推迟。➀ Enabled more HomeKit-compatible Lumi devices and updated some old smart switches. ➁ Connected devices from various brands including Lumi, Xiaomi, Tuya, Unifi, and QNAP using Home Assistant for cross-brand integration. ➂ Introduced more screen-equipped devices to enhance usability, eliminating the need for labels on switches. ➃ Installed air conditioner and fresh air controllers, though setup was postponed due to time constraints.