01/20/2025, 09:25 AM UTC
用于恒温器的蓝牙低功耗网关参考设计Reference Design For Bluetooth LE Gateway For Thermostats
➀ Microchip Technology 开发了一种用于恒温器的蓝牙低功耗 (BLE) 网关参考设计,采用了 BLE 5.2 和 Wi-Fi 技术。
➁ 该设计包括基于 PIC32CZ CA 微控制器的网关和 RNBD451 BLE 模块,支持多节点 BLE 连接和云监控。
➂ 该设计有助于快速原型开发,降低成本并缩短开发时间,同时支持智能家居自动化、医疗监测以及工业物联网应用等多种使用场景。
➀ Microchip Technology has developed a reference design for a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) gateway for thermostats, utilizing BLE 5.2 and Wi-Fi technologies.
➁ This design includes a PIC32CZ CA microcontroller-based gateway and RNBD451 BLE modules, supporting multi-node BLE connectivity and cloud-enabled monitoring.
➂ The design facilitates rapid prototyping and development, reducing costs and development time while supporting various use cases like smart home automation, healthcare monitoring, and industrial IoT applications.