07/31/2024, 07:29 PM UTC
新3D打印技术用于制造三维芯片电路New technique uses 3D printing to fab three-dimensional chip circuits
❶ 新加坡国立大学的研究人员开发了CHARM3D技术,利用3D金属打印制造无需支撑材料的独立自修复金属结构。❷ 该技术采用低熔点的Field's金属,能够快速制造复杂的3D结构。❸ CHARM3D技术在医疗保健领域有广泛应用潜力,如非接触式生命体征监测和更精确的医学成像,同时在高级安全应用中也显示出前景。❶ Researchers at the National University of Singapore have developed CHARM3D, a technique that uses 3D metal printing to create free-standing, self-healing metallic structures without support materials. ❷ The technology incorporates Field's metal, which has a low melting point, allowing for rapid fabrication of complex 3D structures. ❸ CHARM3D has potential applications in healthcare, such as non-contact vital sign monitoring and more accurate medical imaging, as well as in advanced security applications.