02/27/2025, 11:18 AM UTC
中国半导体产业的“豪赌”:中芯国际544亿重金砸向何方?China's Semiconductor Industry's Big Bet: Where is SMIC's 54.4 Billion Yuan Being Invested?
➀ 中芯国际宣布再投75亿美元(约544亿元人民币)用于扩产,旨在挑战全球芯片产业的现状。
➁ 这笔资金将用于成熟制程如28nm的产能扩张,先进制程7nm以下的技术突破,以及提升国内半导体产业的自主可控能力。
➂ 中芯国际的目标不仅是成为第二个台积电,而是打造一个独立于美国的半导体供应链。
➀ SMIC announced a new investment of 7.5 billion US dollars (about 54.4 billion RMB) to expand production, aiming to challenge the global chip industry's status quo.
➁ The funds will be used for capacity expansion in mature processes like 28nm, technology breakthroughs in advanced processes below 7nm, and enhancing the domestic semiconductor industry's self-sufficiency.
➂ SMIC's goal is to not only become a second TSMC but to create an independent semiconductor supply chain free from US dependence.