02/11/2025, 10:00 AM UTC
量子计算机:奥地利科技学院物理学家实现超导量子比特的光学读取Quantum Computer: ISTA Physicists Achieve Optical Reading of Superconducting Qubits
➀ 奥地利科技学院(ISTA)的一组物理学家成功实现了超导量子比特的完全光学读取,克服了当前技术的限制。他们的研究成果已发表在《自然物理学》杂志上。
➁ 由约翰内斯·芬克教授领导的科研团队减少了测量所需的低温硬件数量,这可能会使量子比特的数量增加,从而进行有用的计算。
➂ 该技术可能导致在室温下通过光纤连接的超导量子计算机网络的构建,可能克服当前基础设施的限制。
➀ A team of physicists at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) has successfully achieved the complete optical reading of superconducting qubits, overcoming current technological limitations. Their results have been published in Nature Physics.
➁ The research team, led by Professor Johannes Fink, has reduced the amount of cryogenic hardware needed for measurement, which could enable the increase in the number of qubits for useful calculations.
➂ The technology could lead to the construction of a network of superconducting quantum computers connected by optical fibers at room temperature, potentially overcoming current infrastructure limitations.