06/20/2024, 08:38 PM UTC
微软称Copilot+ PC游戏性能提升,庆祝Prism优化与反作弊软件兼容性Copilot+ PCs are getting better at gaming, says Microsoft — Prism optimizations and anti-cheat software compatibility celebrated
1、微软正在提升Windows 11在Arm设备上的游戏性能。2、这些改进主要针对搭载Snapdragon的Copilot+ PC。3、特别强调了Prism优化和与反作弊软件的兼容性。1. Microsoft is enhancing gaming capabilities on Windows 11 on Arm devices. 2. The improvements focus on Snapdragon-powered Copilot+ PCs. 3. Prism optimizations and compatibility with anti-cheat software are highlighted.