10/21/2024, 07:11 PM UTC
独家:危机中的英特尔寻求与三星结盟Exclusive: Intel in Crisis Seeks Samsung Alliance
<p>➀ 英特尔寻求与三星建立‘代工联盟’;</p><p>➁ 随着台积电在代工行业中的垄断日益加剧,英特尔和三星被视为潜在的挑战者;</p><p>➂ 最近,英特尔一位高级官员请求与三星最高管理层会面,讨论在代工领域的全面合作。</p><p>➀ Intel has approached Samsung to explore a 'foundry alliance';</p><p>➁ As TSMC's dominance in the foundry industry grows, Intel and Samsung are seen as potential challengers;</p><p>➂ A high-ranking Intel official recently requested a meeting with Samsung's top management to discuss comprehensive collaboration in the foundry sector.</p>