02/20/2025, 02:28 PM UTC
用于设计应用和高效光伏的卷对卷纳米压印光刻技术Roll-to-Roll Nano-Imprint Lithography for Design Applications and More Efficient Photovoltaics
➀ 弗劳恩霍夫FEP在欧盟PERSEUS项目中开发具有光学效力的表面结构,以提升钙钛矿太阳能电池的效率和减少反射损失。
➁ Design-PV项目专注于创造装饰性表面,用于集成光伏模块,将美观的解决方案与非活性墙面区域相结合。
➂ RzR-NIL技术能够生产大面积、连续的薄膜表面,具有多种应用,如Lab-on-Chip结构、海洋生物污垢减少和窗户防反光涂层。
➀ The Fraunhofer FEP is developing optically effective surface structures for perovskite solar cells within the EU PERSEUS project to enhance cell efficiency and reduce reflection losses.
➁ The Design-PV project focuses on creating decorative surfaces for integrated photovoltaic modules, combining aesthetically pleasing solutions with PV-active wall areas.
➂ The RzR-NIL technology allows for the production of large-area, continuous film surfaces with various applications, such as Lab-on-Chip structures, biofouling reduction, and window anti-reflective coatings.