08/16/2024, 02:21 PM UTC
芯片出口限制可能对中国放宽,但这未必能提振收入Potential For Chips Restrictions To China To Be Lifted, But This May Not Boost Revenues
1、美国半导体行业,包括英伟达,受到出口限制的影响,促使中国加速国内芯片发展。2、中国对关键材料如石墨的报复性出口管制给美国制造业,特别是电动汽车行业带来挑战。3、可能的谈判以解除美国对芯片的制裁换取中国放宽对材料的出口管制,但由于华为芯片技术的快速进步,可能对收入影响有限。1. The US semiconductor industry, including Nvidia, has been impacted by export restrictions, prompting China to accelerate domestic chip development. 2. China's retaliatory export controls on critical materials like graphite pose challenges for US manufacturing, especially in electric vehicles. 3. Potential negotiations to lift US sanctions on chips in exchange for easing Chinese export controls may have limited revenue impact due to Huawei's rapid chip advancements.