08/22/2024, 08:59 PM UTC
黑神话:悟空的创新治疗药瓶值得其他游戏借鉴Black Myth: Wukong's Innovative Healing Flasks Deserve to Be Copied
➀ 《黑神话:悟空》不是魂类游戏,但 它融入了一些魂类元素,如耐力条和检查点敌人重生。➁ 游戏中的治疗系统非常独特,玩家可以通过升级药瓶并添加饮料和浸泡物来定制,提供各种增益效果。➂ 这一系统鼓励探索和构建,使得治疗物品与新武器和盔甲一样吸引人。➀ Black Myth: Wukong is not a Soulslike game, but it incorporates some Soulslike elements like a stamina bar and checkpoint enemy respawns. ➁ The game features a unique healing system with upgradable flasks that can be customized with drinks and soaks, offering various bonuses and effects. ➂ This system encourages exploration and buildcrafting, making healing items as compelling as new weapons and armor.