01/14/2025, 01:00 AM UTC
世界最大的动圈仪表World’s Largest Moving Coil Meter
➀ 世界上最大的动圈仪表,约17英尺见方,将在第10届电气工程师展览会上展出。➁ 仪表标尺超过20英尺长,将在展览期间显示连接的总电负荷。➂ 仪表运动重量超过3长吨,其中大约十分之一是磁铁。➃ 纳尔德兄弟和汤普森有限公司设计和制造了运动和刻度盘,并将使用一个特殊的电流互感器。➀ The world's largest moving coil meter, about 17 feet square, will be on display at the Tenth Electrical Engineers Exhibition. ➁ The meter scale is over 20 feet long and will display the total electrical load connected during the exhibition. ➂ The meter movement weighs over 3 cwt, with about a tenth being magnet. ➃ Nalder Bros. and Thompson Ltd. designed and constructed the movement and dial, and a special current transformer will be used.---