10/06/2024, 09:32 AM UTC
量子物理学家在奇异实验中发现“负时间”Quantum Physicists Discover 'Negative Time' in Strange Experiment
➀ 量子物理学家观察到,光子在原子的激发态中可以花费负时间,似乎在进入材料之前就离开了它;➁ 这一现象最初于2017年提出,现在已被实验证实;➂ 研究人员使用冷原子云进行实验,发现有时光子穿过原子云而不激发原子,但原子仍然变得激发;➃ 结果表明,当光子激发原子时,光子在介质中的传播速度比原子处于基态时更快。➀ Quantum physicists have observed that photons can spend a negative amount of time in the excited state of atoms, seemingly exiting a material before entering it; ➁ The phenomenon was first proposed in 2017 and has now been experimentally confirmed; ➂ The researchers used a cloud of chilled atoms and found that sometimes photons pass through without exciting the atoms, yet the atoms still become excited; ➃ The results suggest that the photons moved through the medium faster when they excited the atoms than when the atoms remained in their ground state.