11/01/2024, 04:09 PM UTC
德国芯片产业的新教育计划New Educational Initiative for the German Chip Industry
➀ 成立“微电子学院”以满足微电子和微系统技术领域对技术人员的日益增长的需求。 ➁ 该项目由柏林的费迪南德·布劳恩研究所(FBH)协调,是“skills4chips”计划的一部分,旨在加强德国在微电子领域的地位。 ➂ 项目重点在于提供定制培训计划和新的数字解决方案,以支持灵活学习和吸引所需的技术人员。➀ The 'Microtec Academy' is established to address the growing demand for skilled workers in microelectronics and microsystem technology. ➁ The project is coordinated by the Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH) and is part of the 'skills4chips' initiative, which aims to strengthen Germany's position in microelectronics. ➂ The project focuses on providing tailored training programs and new digital solutions to support flexible learning and attract skilled workers.
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