07/09/2024, 04:33 PM UTC
메타빌드-崇实大学斯巴达SW教育中心合作培养SW人才Metabuild-Soongsil University Spartan SW Education Center Collaborate to Cultivate SW Talent
1. 메타빌드与崇实大学斯巴达SW教育中心签订MOU,合作培养SW人才;2. 合作包括教育、实习和联合项目等多个方面;3. 成立于1998年的메타빌드是一家专注于AI和数据集成的专业公司,提供各种平台和中间件解决方案。1. Metabuild and Soongsil University Spartan SW Education Center sign MOU to collaborate on SW talent development; 2. The collaboration includes various aspects such as education, internships, and joint projects; 3. Metabuild, established in 1998, is a specialist company in AI and data integration, providing various platforms and middleware solutions.