11/02/2024, 09:20 PM UTC
高通X Elite深度分析:年度最自信CPUIn-Depth Analysis of Qualcomm X Elite: The Most Confident CPU of the Year
<p>➀ 在使用X Elite笔记本四个月后,我对这款“划时代”处理器的真实评价是“普通但自信”;</p><p>➁ 一些潜在的亮点包括架构设计和各种节能创新特性;</p><p>➂ 然而,在生态和可用性方面,它落后很多,其性能也无法通过转译层压倒对手。此外,其市场定位和定价是不切实际的,这使得这款产品接近失败。</p><p>➀ The real evaluation of the 'epoch-making' processor after using the X Elite notebook for four months is 'common but confident';</p><p>➁ Some potential highlights include architecture design and various innovative power-saving features;</p><p>➂ However, when it comes to ecology and availability, it lags far behind, and its performance cannot crush competitors through translation layers. Additionally, its market positioning and pricing are unrealistic, making this product close to failure.</p>