09/02/2024, 09:52 PM UTC
交大团队合作再传捷报 打造微型化高效能先进光达SJTU Team Achieves Breakthrough in Miniaturized High-Performance LiDAR
➀ 鸿海研究院与阳明交大团队合作开发出基于氮化镓晶体管互补架构的高频高效激光驱动电路。➁ 研究团队已申请基于氮化镓晶 体管的互补式脉冲激光驱动方法的相关专利。➂ 开发的高频短脉冲激光驱动器具有高达50MHz的切换频率,脉冲宽度小于10纳秒,峰值功率达50W,转换效率为75%。➀ Foxconn's research institute and the team from National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University have developed a high-frequency, high-efficiency laser driver circuit based on gallium nitride transistor complementary architecture. ➁ The research team has applied for patents related to the complementary pulse laser driver method using gallium nitride transistors. ➂ The developed high-frequency short-pulse laser driver features a switching frequency of up to 50MHz, pulse width less than 10 nanoseconds, and peak power of 50W, with a conversion efficiency of 75%.