09/03/2024, 08:44 PM UTC
欧洲半导體行業呼籲推晶片新規 強化補助並減少出口限制European Semiconductor Industry Calls for New Chip Regulations, Enhanced Subsidies, and Reduced Export Restrictions
➀ 欧洲半导体产业协会(ESIA)呼吁欧盟加快援助速度,制定修改后的“晶片法案2.0”支 持计划,并任命一名特使来支持当地半导体行业。➁ ESIA倡导在半导体行业采取更开放的贸易政策,强调该行业的全球性质以及供应链中高度开放性的必要性。➂ 协会还呼吁采取基于支持和激励的积极经济安全方法,而不是依赖限制和保护措施的防御方法。➀ The European Semiconductor Industry Association (ESIA) has urged the EU to expedite aid and revise the 'Chips Act 2.0' to support local semiconductor industries, including appointing a special envoy for the sector. ➁ ESIA advocates for a more open trade policy in the semiconductor industry, emphasizing the global nature of the sector and the need for high openness in supply chains. ➂ The association also calls for a proactive economic security approach based on support and incentives rather than defensive measures like restrictions and protections.