11/14/2024, 07:14 PM UTC
西格大学将举办2025年国际会议CARV-MCPCUni Siegen to Host International Conferences CARV-MCPC 2025
➀ 西格大学将举办2025年CARV和MCPC两大国际会议,聚焦于未来工业挑战,如应对全球生产和供应链的破坏,以及开发定制产品制造智能系统。 ➁ 会议将于2025年9月9日至12日举行,预计将有来自世界各地的专家在主题“预测不确定性的新范式”下讨论当前发展和未来挑战。 ➂ 两个会议,CARV和MCPC,将探讨互补的主题:CARV关注敏捷和可重构的生产系统和可持续制造流程,MCPC关注数字技术的使用以及通过个性化大规模生产的产品定制。➀ The University of Siegen will host two major international conferences, CARV and MCPC 2025, focusing on future industrial challenges such as handling global disruptions in production and supply chains and developing intelligent systems for customized product manufacturing. ➁ The conferences will take place from September 9 to 12, 2025, with experts from around the world expected to discuss current developments and future challenges under the theme 'New Paradigms for Anticipated Uncertainty'. ➂ The two conferences, CARV and MCPC, will address complementary topics: CARV on agile and reconfigurable production systems and sustainable manufacturing processes, and MCPC on the use of digital technologies and product personalization through individual mass production.