12/18/2024, 08:18 AM UTC
Kioxia以58亿美元估值在东京证券交易所上市Kioxia IPOs at $5.8bn valuation
➀ Kioxia在东京证券交易所上市,估值达到58亿美元。由贝恩资本牵头的财团,此前持有Kioxia 56.2%的股份,出售了一小部分股份,持股比例降至50.7%。该财团于2008年为所持股份支付了180亿美元。➁ 在IPO之前,其他主要股东包括东芝(41%)和日本光学产品制造商Hoya(3%),日本政府救援基金INCJ和DBJ控制着Kioxia 16.7%的投票权。➂ Kioxia在NAND市场占有13.8%的份额。➀ Kioxia's IPO on the Tokyo Stock Exchange valued the company at $5.8 billion. The Bain-led consortium, which previously owned 56.2% of Kioxia, sold a small number of shares to reduce its holding to 50.7%. The consortium paid $18 billion for its stake in 2008. ➁ Before the IPO, other significant shareholders included Toshiba (41%) and Hoya (3%). The Japanese government bailout funds INCJ and DBJ controlled 16.7% of the voting rights. ➂ Kioxia holds a 13.8% share of the NAND market.---
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