10/23/2024, 09:06 PM UTC
ASML执行长预测美国将加大对中国芯片出口的压力ASML CEO Predicts Increased U.S. Pressure on Chip Exports to China
<p>➀ ASML執行長Christophe Fouquet預測美國將增加對中國半導體技術銷售的壓力。</p><p>➁ Fouquet認為關鍵問題是對荷蘭和歐洲有什麼好處。</p><p>➂ ASML與中國的業務集中在成熟技術上,與國家安全問題關聯性較低。</p><p>➃ 現有的出口限制已經使中國在先進技術方面落後10到15年。</p><p>➄ Fouquet預估芯片市場將在2025年恢復,2026年預計將成為ASML的「成長年」。</p><p>➀ ASML CEO Christophe Fouquet predicts the U.S. will increase pressure on semiconductor technology sales to China.</p><p>➁ Fouquet believes the key issue is what is beneficial for the Netherlands and Europe.</p><p>➂ ASML's business with China focuses on mature technology with low relevance to national security.</p><p>➃ Current export restrictions have caused China to lag behind in advanced technology by 10 to 15 years.</p><p>➄ Fouquet estimates the chip market will recover in 2025, with 2026 expected to be ASML's 'growth year'.</p>