01/24/2025, 10:00 AM UTC
《音速小子X:影之世代》销量突破200万份Sonic x Shadow Generations has sold 2 million copies
➀ 自2024年10月发布以来,《音速小子X:影之世代》已售出超过200万份;➁ 游戏在首24小时内售出100万份,上市第一个月内售出150万份;➂ 尽管销量有所下降,但游戏的成功值得关注,尤其是考虑到它是对2011年已售出超过600万份的游戏的复刻。➀ Sonic x Shadow Generations has sold over 2 million copies since its launch in October 2024; ➁ The game surpassed 1 million copies in the first 24 hours and 1.5 million within its first month; ➂ Despite a slight drop in sales, the game's success is notable, especially considering it's a remaster of a 2011 game that already sold over 6 million copies.---