07/15/2024, 05:18 PM UTC
航行者-PV推出即插即用型通信光伏模块网格Voyager-PV Launches Plug-and-Play Mesh of Communicative PV Modules
1. 由德国联邦经济和气候行动部资助的Voyager-PV项目成功开发了能够建立安全简单数据通信网格的通信光伏模块。2. 这些模块将逆变器和数字技术直接集成到光伏模块中,提高了可靠性、效率并降低了成本。3. 该项目涉及六个来自电气、制造、数据和光伏模块技术以及相关研究机构的合作伙伴。1. The Voyager-PV project, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, has successfully developed communicative PV modules that establish a secure and simple data communication mesh. 2. These modules integrate inverters and digital technology directly into the PV module, improving reliability, efficiency, and reducing costs. 3. The project involves six partners from various fields including electrical, manufacturing, data, and PV module technology, and relevant research institutions.