07/12/2024, 05:01 PM UTC
DARPA 选择洛克希德·马丁公司开发空中AI工具合同Darpa selects Lockheed Martin for airborne AI Tools contract
1、DARPA授予洛克希德·马丁公司460万美元合同,开发用于空中任务的AI工具。2、该项目包括为实时、多舰、超视距(BVR)任务提供先进的建模和仿真(M&S)及AI代理。3、AI工具将在18个月内开发,旨在增强空中战斗任务的战术自主性。1. DARPA awards Lockheed Martin a $4.6 million contract to develop AI tools for airborne missions. 2. The project involves advanced Modeling and Simulation (M&S) and AI agents for live, multi-ship, beyond visual range (BVR) missions. 3. The AI tools will be developed over an 18-month period and aim to enhance tactical autonomy in air combat missions.