09/26/2024, 04:13 PM UTC
创新与可持续性相遇:FMD举办绿色ICT连接活动Innovation Meets Sustainability: FMD Hosts Green ICT Connect
➀ 由FMD组织的绿色ICT连接活动聚焦于可持续信息和通信技术,汇集了行业、科学和政治领域的参与者进行讨论和交流。➁ 活动包括第二届绿色ICT奖颁奖典礼和一场专为女性科学家举办的独家早餐会。➂ FMD通过各种举措和活动促进微电子领域的可持续性,并鼓励女性在这一领域的发展。➀ The Green ICT Connect event, organized by FMD, focuses on sustainable information and communication technology. It brings together industry, science, and politics for discussions and networking.➁ The event includes the second Green ICT Awards ceremony and an exclusive breakfast for female scientists.➂ The FMD promotes sustainability in microelectronics and encourages women in the field through various initiatives and events.
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