07/26/2024, 09:00 PM UTC
Keychron 新款机械键盘单手操作Keychron’s new mechanical keyboard fits in one hand
1、Lemokey X0 是一款单手操作的机械游戏键盘,拥有35个按键和1000Hz的轮询率。2、通过Lemokey Launcher在线应用,提供广泛的定制选项,包括按键重映射和宏命令创建。3、X0采用符合人体工程学的设计,配备硅胶掌托,售价为32.99美元,为游戏玩家和专业人士提供了一个经济实惠的选择。1. The Lemokey X0 is a one-handed mechanical gaming keypad with 35 keys and a 1000Hz polling rate. 2. It offers extensive customization options through the Lemokey Launcher online app, including key remapping and macro creation. 3. The X0 features an ergonomic design with a silicone palm rest and is priced at $32.99, making it an affordable option for gamers and professionals.