09/02/2024, 01:15 PM UTC
消费者内存现货价格下跌Memory spot price falling
➀ 消费者内存现货价格在第二季度下跌了30%,与合同价格出现偏差。➁ 模块制造商通过零售渠道的消费者NAND出货量同比下降40%,表明需求疲软。➂ 明年,DRAM价格预计将逐季逐步上涨,主要受HBM3e普及率提高的推动。➀ The spot price for consumer memory fell by 30% in Q2, creating a dislocation with contract prices. ➁ Module makers experienced a 40% year-over-year decline in consumer NAND shipments through retail channels, suggesting weak demand. ➂ Next year, DRAM prices are expected to rise gradually each quarter, driven by the increasing adoption of HBM3e.