08/31/2024, 08:15 AM UTC
英特尔Lunar Lake与Arrow Lake CPU采用新架构避免Vmin Shift稳定性问题Intel's Lunar Lake & Arrow Lake CPUs to Avoid Vmin Shift Instability with New Architecture
➀ 英特尔确认其即将推出的Lunar Lake和Arrow Lake CPU将得益于新架构,避免Vmin Shift稳定性问题。➁ 公司列出包括第12代英特尔酷睿和英特尔至强在内的多款当前代处理器不受此问题影响。➂ 英特尔建议用户更新BIOS以确保稳定性,新微码补丁对性能影响极小。➀ Intel confirms that its upcoming Lunar Lake and Arrow Lake CPUs will not experience Vmin Shift Instability thanks to a new architecture. ➁ The company lists several current-generation processors, including 12th Gen Intel Core and Intel Xeon, as unaffected by this issue. ➂ Intel advises users to update their BIOS to ensure stability, with the new microcode patch causing minimal performance impact.