07/13/2024, 09:19 PM UTC
特斯拉前AI总监仅用$672在24小时内复现GPT-2 — GPT-4训练成本高达$1亿Former Tesla AI Director reproduces GPT-2 in 24 hours for only $672 — GPT-4 costs $100 million to train
❶ 特斯拉前AI总监Andrej Karpathy证明,使用单一8XH100节点,可以在24小时内以仅$672的成本复现GPT-2,远低于训练GPT-4所需的$1亿美元。❷ 该项目llm.c直接在C/CUDA中实现GPT训练,无需复杂环境,加速了训练过程。❸ 尽管技术进步,AI训练成本并未降低;前沿模型如GPT-4仍需大量投资,且高能耗引发环境担忧。❶ Andrej Karpathy, former Tesla AI director, has demonstrated that reproducing GPT-2 can be done in 24 hours for just $672 using a single 8XH100 node, significantly cheaper than the $100 million cost of training GPT-4. ❷ The project, llm.c, directly implements GPT training in C/CUDA, eliminating the need for complex environments and speeding up the process. ❸ Despite advancements, AI training costs are not decreasing; leading-edge models like GPT-4 still require substantial investment, raising concerns about the environmental impact due to high power consumption.