08/22/2024, 12:40 PM UTC
特斯拉在自动驾驶领域或遭遇Waymo的竞争Tesla May Have Found A Competition In Waymo
1、自动驾驶技术是一个利润丰厚的市场,潜在利润可达数万亿美元。2、Waymo和特斯拉在自动驾驶竞赛中领先,采用不同的方法,Waymo更为先进。3、特斯拉依赖纯视觉方法,其当前市场估值可能因自动驾驶努力而被高估。1. Self-driving technology is a lucrative market with potential for trillions in profits. 2. Waymo and Tesla are leading the race with different approaches, with Waymo being more advanced. 3. Tesla's reliance on a pure-vision approach and its current market valuation may be overstated due to its self-driving efforts.