08/12/2024, 05:33 PM UTC
三折智能手机可能在苹果推出iPhone Flip之前问世Three-way folding smartphones likely to arrive before Apple even manages an iPhone Flip
1、据报道,华为正在开发一款三折智能手机,可能在苹果的折叠iPhone之前推出。2、有传言称苹果正在研发折叠iPhone和iPad,但其首款折叠设备预计要到2026年才会面世。3、安卓市场在折叠技术方面迅速发展,使苹果在这股潮流中可能处于落后地位。1. Huawei is reportedly developing a tri-fold smartphone, which could launch before Apple's foldable iPhone. 2. Apple is rumored to be working on a foldable iPhone and iPad, but its first foldable device is not expected until 2026. 3. The Android market is rapidly advancing in foldable technology, leaving Apple potentially behind in this trend.