10/05/2024, 08:52 AM UTC
在Nvidia之前,创始人兼CEO黄仁勋为AMD设计了微处理器Before Nvidia, Founder and CEO Jensen Huang Designed Microprocessors for AMD
➀ 黄仁勋在俄勒冈州立大学获得电气工程学位后,在AMD开始了他的职业生涯;➁ 他通过在斯坦福大学获得电气工程硕士学位进一步深造,并在LSI公司担任职位;➂ 黄仁勋的领导和技术愿景帮助Nvidia成为计算机硬件和游戏领域的领军企业;➃ Nvidia的名字来源于拉丁语单词“Invidia”,意为“羡慕”,反映了该公司在图形和计算技术竞争激烈的领域的雄心。➀ Jensen Huang began his career at AMD after graduating with a degree in electrical engineering from Oregon State University; ➁ He furthered his education with a master's degree in electrical engineering from Stanford and held a position at LSI Corporation; ➂ Huang's leadership and technical vision helped Nvidia become a dominant force in computer hardware and gaming; ➃ Nvidia's name is derived from the Latin word 'Invidia,' meaning 'Envy,' reflecting the company's ambitions in the competitive world of graphics and computing technology.