12/09/2024, 08:59 AM UTC
自然灵感设计的无人机移动性Drone Mobility With Nature-Inspired Design
➀ 来自洛桑联邦理工学院和加州大学欧文分校的研究团队开发了一款名为RAVEN的无人机,能够在地面和空中移动之间切换,模仿鸟类的多功能性;➁ 无人机的多功能腿部允许行走、跳跃和飞行转换;➂ RAVEN的设计可能会彻底改变搜索和救援、环境监测和城市物流。➀ A team from EPFL and UC Irvine has developed a drone called RAVEN that can switch between ground and aerial locomotion, mimicking birds' capabilities; ➁ The drone's multifunctional legs allow for walking, leaping, and flight transitions; ➂ RAVEN's design could revolutionize search and rescue, environmental monitoring, and urban logistics.---