02/20/2025, 09:45 AM UTC
《冥界神殿II》迎来“战歌更新”第二个重大补丁Hades II gets second major patch with ‘Warsong Update’
➀ 超级巨像游戏公司发布了《冥界神殿II》的第二个重大更新,名为“战歌更新”;➁ 更新内容包括新的关卡、神祇、祝福和重新设计的菜单;➂ 还包括超过2,000条新的语音台词、新的最终对决和一个新敌人。➀ Supergiant Games has released the second major update for Hades II, titled 'Warsong Update'; ➁ The update includes new levels, gods, boons, and a redesigned menu; ➂ It also features over 2,000 new voice lines, a new final confrontation, and a new enemy.---