01/22/2025, 12:47 PM UTC
防止锌离子电池自毁Preventing self-destruction in zinc-ion batteries
➀ 慕尼黑工业大学的研究人员开发了一种名为'TpBD-2F'的共价有机框架(COF)材料,用于防止锌离子电池中的树枝状晶体形成和阳极腐蚀。
➁ 这种COF可以在金属锌表面自组装,形成一层薄而多孔的层,允许锌离子均匀沉积,同时阻止水分进入。
➂ 这项突破可能使锌离子电池在大型储能应用中取代锂离子电池,例如与太阳能或风力发电厂配套使用。
➀ Researchers at TUM have developed a covalent organic framework (COF) material called 'TpBD-2F' to prevent dendrite formation and anode corrosion in zinc-ion batteries.
➁ The COF self-assembles on the surface of metallic zinc, creating a thin, porous layer that allows zinc ions to plate evenly while blocking water access.
➂ This breakthrough could enable zinc-ion batteries to replace lithium-ion batteries in large-scale energy storage applications, such as those paired with solar or wind power plants.