09/01/2024, 08:30 PM UTC
使用ESP RainMaker应用为移动热点/网络共享单元充电Mobile Hotspot/Tethering Unit Charging Using ESP Rain Maker App
➀ 本文讨论了使用移动热点网络共享为多个设备提供互联网接入的方法。➁ 它强调了用于网络共享的智能手机快速电池放电的问题。➂ 提出了一种使用ESP32开发板并通过ESP RainMaker应用控制的解决方案,以管理和减轻电池消耗。➀ This article discusses the use of mobile hotspot tethering to provide internet access to multiple devices. ➁ It highlights the issue of rapid battery discharge in smartphones used for tethering. ➂ A solution using an ESP32 development board controlled via the ESP RainMaker app is proposed to manage and mitigate battery depletion.