01/28/2025, 09:10 AM UTC
2025年市场错误:SoFi是顶级金融科技增长股The Market Is Wrong: SoFi Is A Top Fintech Growth Play In 2025
1、SoFi Technologies公布了强劲的第四季度业绩,超出收入和盈利预期;2、尽管对于2025财年,每股收益指引略有失误,但SoFi的金融服务和Galileo部门推动了显著的收入和调整后的EBITDA增长;3、在指引展示后,股价下跌了10%,但增长前景依然强劲。1. SoFi Technologies reported strong Q4 results, exceeding revenue and earnings estimates; 2. Despite a slight EPS guidance miss for FY 2025, SoFi's financial services and Galileo segments drove significant revenue and adjusted EBITDA growth; 3. Shares dropped 10% after the guidance presentation, but growth prospects remain strong.---