08/27/2024, 04:31 PM UTC
功率半導體全球份額前10中有4家日企Four Japanese Companies Among Top 10 in Global Power Semiconductor Market
➀ 功率半導體能處理高電壓和大電流,廣泛應用於智能手機和電動汽車等產品。➁ 2023年全球功率半導體市場規模達到283億美元,德國英飛淩以22.8%的份額領先。➂ 日本企業如三菱電機和富士電機也擁有顯著的市場份額。➃ 對於能提高電動汽車和家電效率的新材料如碳化硅(SiC)和氮化鎵(GaN)的需求日益增長。➀ Power semiconductors handle high voltage and large current, used in various products like smartphones and EVs. ➁ The global market for power semiconductors reached $28.3 billion in 2023, with German Infineon leading at 22.8%. ➂ Japanese companies like Mitsubishi Electric and Fuji Electric also hold significant market shares. ➃ There is a growing demand for new materials like silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) to enhance efficiency in EVs and home appliances.