08/18/2024, 09:09 AM UTC
草莓照片暗示新模型发布?Strawberry Photo Hints at New Model Release?
1. OpenAI首席执行官萨姆·奥特曼通过一张草莓照片暗示即将发布新的人工智能模型;2. 长期的谣言和缺乏官方公告引发了猜测和批评;3. 也提到了对公司稳定性和关键人员离职的担忧。1. OpenAI's CEO Sam Altman teases upcoming AI model release with a strawberry photo; 2. Speculation and criticism arise over the prolonged rumors and lack of official announcements; 3. Concerns about the company's stability and key personnel departures are also mentioned.