10/01/2024, 01:06 PM UTC
三星MLCC瞄准电动汽车行业的高电压需求Samsung MLCCs target high-voltage demands of EV industry
➀ 三星电机推出针对电动汽车行业的新系列MLCC;➁ 新MLCC提供2.2nF至470nF的电容和高达2000Vdc的额定电压;➂ 这些MLCC支持电动汽车的高电压系统,如车载充电器和电机驱动逆变器。➀ Samsung Electro-Mechanics is releasing a new range of MLCCs targeting the EV industry; ➁ The new MLCCs offer 2.2nF~470nF capacitance and a rated voltage up to 2000Vdc; ➂ The MLCCs support high-voltage systems for EVs like on-board chargers and motor drive inverters.