07/01/2024, 06:22 PM UTC
双频贴片式GNSS天线厚度仅4mmDual-band patch-in-patch GNSS antenna is 4mm thick
1、Taoglas开发了一款厚度仅为4mm的双频GNSS天线,专为L1和L5频段设计。2、该天线HP5354.A采用定制的电子陶瓷配方,提供2.61dBi的被动峰值增益。3、它支持1,160至1,610MHz的RHCP信号,工作温度范围为-40至+85°C。1. Taoglas has developed a dual-band GNSS antenna with a thickness of 4mm, designed for L1 and L5 frequencies. 2. The antenna, HP5354.A, uses a custom electro-ceramics formula and offers a passive peak gain of 2.61dBi. 3. It supports RHCP signals from 1,160 to 1,610MHz and operates in a temperature range of -40 to +85°C.