11/28/2024, 02:34 PM UTC
基于量子点的光学冷却系统Optical Cooling Systems Using Quantum Dots
➀ 千叶大学的研究人员开发了一种使用钙钛矿量子点的光学冷却方法;➁ 该技术基于反斯托克斯光致发光,通过发射比吸收更多能量的光子使材料冷却;➂ 该研究有望改善半导体制造和医疗设备等行业的冷却技术。➀ Researchers at Chiba University have developed an optical cooling method using perovskite quantum dots; ➁ The technique, based on anti-Stokes photoluminescence, allows materials to cool by emitting photons with more energy than they absorb; ➂ The research could improve cooling technologies for industries like semiconductor manufacturing and medical devices.