10/25/2024, 07:11 PM UTC
在班加罗尔Medetronix实验室的电子工程实习Electronics Engineering Internship At Medetronix Labs In Bengaluru
本文宣布了在班加罗尔Medetronix实验室的电子工程实习机会。选定的实习生将负责PCB焊接、测试、更新微控制器固件和处理测试设备。实习期为3个月,候选人应具备模拟和数字电路、嵌入式系统和PCB设计方面的技能。The article announces an electronics engineering internship opportunity at Medetronix Labs in Bengaluru. The selected intern will be responsible for PCB soldering, testing, updating microcontroller firmware, and handling testing equipment. The internship is available for 3 months, and the candidate should have skills in analog and digital circuits, embedded systems, and PCB design.