09/13/2024, 01:06 PM UTC
英国电子技能基金会:电子工程毕业生能否满足雇主需求?Are electronics graduates meeting the needs of employers? asks UKESF
➀ 英国电子技能基金会(UKESF)进行了一项研究,以评估进入行业的电子工程毕业生的技术和非技术技能。➁ 雇主报告称,他们最近招聘的82%的电子工程毕业生在技术知识方面达到了或超过了他们的期望。➂ 然而,在非技术技能方面,结果参差不齐,只有54%的雇主认为毕业生对业务运营有良好的或合理理解,只有43%的雇主认为毕业生对公司所处的商业世界有良好的或合理理解。➀ The UK Electronics Skills Foundation (UKESF) conducted research to assess the technical and non-technical skills of electronics graduates entering the industry. ➁ Employers reported that 82% of recently recruited electronics graduates met or exceeded their expectations in technical knowledge. ➂ However, there were mixed results regarding non-technical skills, with only 54% of employers feeling graduates had a good understanding of business operations and only 43% agreeing that graduates had a good understanding of the business world in which the company operates.