10/27/2024, 09:15 PM UTC
科赛尔推出全新Nautilus RS入门级水冷CPU散热器Corsair introduces new Nautilus RS entry-level AIO CPU coolers
➀ 科赛尔推出了两款新的AIO水冷散热器系列:Nautilus RS和Nautilus RS ARGB;➁ Nautilus RS系列采用时尚的全黑设计,提供240mm和360mm散热器尺寸;➂ RS ARGB版本提供鲜艳的ARGB灯光;➃ 散热器使用高效、低噪音的泵,并配备了科赛尔RS120 PWM风扇。➀ Corsair has launched two new AIO water cooler series: Nautilus RS and Nautilus RS ARGB; ➁ The Nautilus RS series features a sleek, all-black design and comes in 240mm and 360mm radiator sizes; ➂ The RS ARGB variants offer vibrant ARGB lighting; ➃ The coolers use an efficient, low-noise pump and are equipped with Corsair RS120 PWM fans.