09/19/2024, 01:06 PM UTC
美国国家地理空间情报局选择10家供应商进行卫星图像和数据分析U.S. NGA selects 10 vendors for satellite imagery and analytics
➀ 美国国家地理空间情报局(NGA)已选择10家地球观测公司参与其Luno A项目。➁ 该项目旨在提升机构的地理空间信息能力并扩大数据和服务访问。➂ 该合同是一份为期五年的无限交付、无限数量的(IDIQ)协议,总价值最高为2.9亿美元。➀ The U.S. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) has selected ten Earth observation companies for its Luno A programme. ➁ The programme aims to improve the agency's geospatial information capabilities and expand access to data and services. ➂ The contract is a five-year indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) agreement with a maximum value of $290 million.